On my full time job, I use SAP 2000 finite element analysis software for structural analysis. Main goal, as an engineer, is to design a structure/object/member with minimum area and maximum strength. At this point optimization kicks in. I am not an expert in optimization techniques (yes, it is a sub topic in engineering where people pursue degrees) however, I try to use it in my daily life whether it is optimizing my work day to have a little extra time for myself or optimizing structural members to decrease the cost.
To optimize a structure/element I am analyzing, I need to try many different combinations for most accurate load transfer. For some projects, it is better to use welded connections, for some it is better to use bolted connections. All depends on the agreement and the project requirements. And for some projects it is all up to me to decide. At this point the fun begins, I get to play however I like within the budget.
To optimize my work day, I need to be productive. I need to minimize unnecessary distraction.
Surfing through the blogs, one of the best hacks I observed so far is to use keyboard short cuts to fasten the writing process. I used this trick in SAP 2000 and it decreased the time of my overall analysis. Here are the ones I use most frequently.
CTRL+Z UNDO (yes it is obvious however if I remember right 4-5 years older version would undo bunch of tasks and now it really undos what is done recently)
CTRL+J GET PREVIOUS SELECTION (to apply loadings for different loads such as dead, wind, seismic etc I need to select same points over and over again and this just fastens the selection process and there is less chance or me to make mistakes)
The above short cuts are the ones I use on daily basis. Whatever it is you use for your job/research/project I highly recommend to use shortcuts or to assign commands to fasten the process and have more time for other real stuff.
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