Sunday, October 20, 2019

Struggles of 1st year of PhD

After a week, I will complete my 1st year into my PhD program. A lot has happened during this year. I did a lot of work, learned many new things and had a few failures. Here are a few things I’m struggling with and would like to solve ASAP.

1. Writing
I see writing as one of my strengths. I can write for hours without getting bored (I’m the type who writes a lot and then summarizes). Recently, after my first committee meeting, I noticed that my committee members were not satisfied with the amount of writing I do. Now I’m trying to document everything for further use.

2. Time-management
My biggest struggle was, and still is, is time-management. There are so many things I want to for my PhD and there are so many things I have to do (for the department and research group as it is part of my contract). Sometimes finding a balance was very hard. Besides my academic life, I’m learning Dutch (it is a great way to show respect to the country you live in) and going to the gym 3 times a week. Time passes very fast and I’m working on a way I can be more effective. On top of all this, even though my program doesn’t require me to take classes, I have to do doctoral schools, which include attending courses or seminars on different topics. 

3. Social life
As a foreigner, it is not always easy to blend in. having the advantage of being a social introvert, I like the times spent with colleagues as well as the time I spend by myself. There is a danger in socializing with your colleagues. Even though you see them more than you see your family or friends, always keep in mind that at the end of the day they are your professional partners and you have to find the balance.

Currently, I see above mentioned 3 points as my current weaknesses and working on fixing them. As entering my second year with more confidence, I’m hoping to be more active and share my days here. What was your biggest struggle in 1st your of your PhD? 

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