Monday, March 5, 2018

Ego VS. Knowlege

We all know Albert Einstein’s famous equation on this topic. So what is actually ego and why do we actually have ego? I am not an expert on this topic, and I sure do have ego too as a human but I strongly believe that there is a limit and it is possible to control it.
In environment some work environments, ego is an essential. Probably this is a sentence my ego is saying out but “all my life I tried to be humble”. My degree, my income, my quality of work or my life standards shouldn’t be a way to measure the way you respect me. However, if you try to show off by only speaking and not working, I will shut you up, this is very straight. At the end of the day in a work environment all we should care about is getting some work done. If someones laziness is delaying my work and if their explanation is I am doing perfect work then very straight, I will let my ego shut you up. We all are good in something. We all are learning something, every day. We all are on the same boat. If you think you are too much for such environment, create your own work place.
In today’s society we all are slaves of someone. This is very sad to say but we all should very clearly know how further we can go with our responsibilities. We all have bosses that we have to work under.
After working in my current job for 3 months, I did have to use my ego to get out of some situations. Some of my co-workers never worked such closely with an engineer and I had to make it very clear who does what. Setting responsibilities for different positions is not my job but I made my lines very clear before signing a contract here.
Don’t get me wrong. I respect everyone’s work, my calculation report is incomplete without 3d models, sketches, shop DWGs etc. We all have different specialties and we took different paths in life to get where we are today.
My personal advice to myself first, don’t let your ego ruin the knowledge status you have. And like it or not, only people with very limited knowledge will use their ego to overcome a situation or to gain respect. Another point is, to know about someones knowledge I check what they say and what they do. This is a great way to figure out how much they are trying to get from life.

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