Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Why continue blogging?

One of my proud achievement (personal satisfaction) last year was to start this blog. Sometimes I write 10 posts lined to publish in a few weeks and sometimes I have no idea what to write for a few weeks. I had major lifestyle changes and I wasn't very sure if it was worth to keep writing. Even though I am very passionate about research and academia, however, full-time PhD takes a good amount of my days. At that point, I realized that I am not writing this blog for someone or for something. It is a choice, a hobby not a job.

I tried to remember what was the main reason I started in the first place. I remembered my influencer. Yes, I am writing this blog for a bigger reason than just keep myself busy. Writing on a daily basis improved my typing speed and concentration.

My biggest dream is to be able to serve both in academia and industry, and as we have more educated peers now, maintaining this balance, in my opinion, is more important. For successfully obtaining both, my priority at the moment is writing, as much as I can.

If you're not sure about something, that you're doing for some time, and not sure if it is worth it, ask yourself these questions;

1. Does it make me happy?

2. Does it serve for a bigger purpose (personal or community)?

3. Will I have a better life if I quit?

4. Why did you start in the first place?

Everyone has different ways of looking at things, and if it just eating better, moving a little more, sleeping a little longer or something as small as reading 5 pages of a book, do it for yourself.

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